Running: Business or Pleasure
We all know the feeling. You are tired. You are worn-out. You have a million other things on your mind weighted down by obligation. Fingers crossed, you gaze down at your training schedule hoping to see "rest day" or, ideally, "eat junk food and watch tv". But no, you see "long distance hilly tempo run with fartleks in knee-deep mud at high altitude." Sigh. If you are anything like me, you assume that you will want train later at night after the kids are in bed and lunches are made for the next day. I figure that if I stay up late enough, picking up clothes, helping with homework, and carting the children around to all their activities, I will somehow emerge refreshed and eager to exert myself in intense activity. I know a few of my friends who are this disciplined and can dedicate themselves to training at any time. I, on the other hand, can sometimes resent running. I am annoyed at myself for putting it off knowing that I will not get the workout in that I need.
It is on these days, when I feel overwhelmed by being pulled in conflicting directions, that I need running the most. Devoting my time to self betterment through running reinforces that I care about my mental and physical health. It's time that is spent solely on me.
Running is work. Sometimes it's hard work. Sometimes it's rewarding work. Sometimes it's turning a case of the Mondays into a case of the run-days.
Around 2km into a run, I find my myself. My body remembers the thrill of the chase and soon the rush of adrenaline satisfies my mind's urge to go faster. I eagerly push on, searching for that ache in my legs that is rivalled by the burning in my lungs. It's in this practice, that running becomes a combination of restraint and release.
Find the time to run. Carve out little moments in your day for yourself. Match the rhythm of your stride to the beat of your heart.
Happy Trails -