The Beginning
My heart is so full. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of witnessing the greatness of some truly amazing people at the 2017 Sticks n' Stones Trail Race. Some of you even reached out to connect with me personally and share in the glow of your experience. You made me laugh. You made me cry. Your kind words were both encouraging and reassuring. You embraced me at the end of your journey when you were drained of energy yet full of accomplishment. You let me share in your moment of glory.
We co-directed our first race and a dream became reality. All of our efforts for over a year were poured into the extensive planning of a series of races. We tried to incorporate so many elements into the event. Many plans went by the wayside when limitations caused us to reassess our vision. We stayed on course and used any and all resources to try to make the experience of our racers something that was unique and memorable.
The company of people who showed up to be a part of the race, shared their talents and extended their generosity. I hope that I have adequately shared my appreciation.
As we wrap up all the details from the race, we begin the journey and look forward to the upcoming events. We look to collaborate with passionate people looking to share in supporting those in need and while providing opportunities for the growing community of adventurers.
The path ahead looks looks is full of risk. We're all in.
Happy Trails -